Milwaukee: 100 Year Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution

December 02, 2017 at 4:00pm - 7pm
Riverwest Public House Cooperative
815 E Locust St
Milwaukee, WI 53212
United States
Google map and directions


Come and join the Party for Socialism and Liberation-Milwaukee branch for a class celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 which lead to the establishment of the Soviet Union. This was a pivotal event in the history of the world, creating the first authentic workers government on the planet and setting an example for fellow Marxist revolutionaries who desired similar change in their own country. Specifically, the organizational model established by Vladimir Lenin prior to the revolution, assuring its success, was of great inspiration to many like minded movements in Europe at the time and continues to be prevelent in modern Marxist movements that aim to organize along similar lines.

Lenin conceived of the idea of a vangaard party, a group of professional cadres whos main purpose was the formulation of revolution to topple the capitalist class and bring about authentic proletarian government. The job of this vangaard was to consolidate trust and influence among the proletariat, to educate and uplift those most dedicated to the fulfillment of the revolutionary process, and to establish the vangaard as a capable and popular movement with the ability to take up the reigns of power when the prevailing system collapses. Like many of our Marxist predecessors, the PSL also structures itself along Leninst lines, relying on a devoted group of revolutionaries and a democratic centralist structure to build our presence in the community, including through charitable work and donations and conducting regular public classes and meetings in hopes of increasing the general class conciousness of the greater community.

We will be giving some short talks on:
-The historical context of the Bolshevik Revolution and how it affects the current world situation
-The development and advantages as well as the shortcomings of Bolshevik governance in the Soviet Union.
-How we can learn from the Bolshevik Revolution and Soviet Union in terms of building a revolutionary movement and a more just and peaceful society.
-The New PSL Publication "Storming the Gates: How the Russian Revolution Changed the World"

THERE WILL ALSO BE FREE FOOD! We will be cooking pots of various chili and will need people to come eat it. Food and Communism, what could be better?

Patrick McWilliams Monte Harris Michael Epping Drue Morris John Beacham Erica Steib Quinn Cory Robert Penner Brandon Leverenz Nate Sutton Ian Marten

Who's RSVPing

Patrick McWilliams
Monte Harris
Michael Epping
Drue Morris
John Beacham
Erica Steib
Quinn Cory
Robert Penner
Brandon Leverenz
Nate Sutton
Ian Marten

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