NYC: ¡Ya basta! Fighting the ICE raids | Reviving the Movement for Socialism in the United States

January 22, 2016 at 7:00pm - 10pm
Justice Center en el Barrio
1637 Park Ave
New York, NY 10029
United States
Google map and directions

Join the PSL for our bi-weekly public forum where we talk about local, national, and international topics and news. 

¡Ya basta! Fighting the ICE raids

On Christmas Eve, the Obama administration declared a new operation to round up and deport women, children, and families fleeing violence in Central America. The operation has struck fear into Latino immigrant communities nationwide, but also provoked new organizing and resistance — including here in New York City.

The Democratic Party presents itself as an ally of the Latino community, but this administration has deported more people than any other president in recent history. Join us for a discussion of the politics behind the raids and what we can do to take on the raids, the cruel conditions of the detention centers, and the broader mistreatment and criminalization of immigrants. We will examine the lessons of the powerful 2006 movement, so as to build a new era of mass struggle for full rights for all immigrants.

Reviving the Movement for Socialism in the United States

"Socialism" is the word on everybody's lips. It was looked up in online dictionaries more than any other word in 2015. Tens of millions of people have heard Bernie Sanders present on and debate what he calls "democratic socialism."

Poor and working people have good reason to seek an alternative to capitalism. Right now, the country's richest 20 capitalists now possess more wealth than the bottom 194 million people! It is a system that relies on war, bigotry and state violence.

Come hear what the PSL means by socialism and why we believe it is essential to again grow the movement for socialism as a major political force in the United States. Learn about how the socialist vision connects to the movements to increase the minimum wage, for Black lives, immigrant rights, and environmental justice; and find out what it means to be in a socialist party.

Louie Sawi Ben Norton Stewart Stout Alex Hu Ali Glembocki Vincent Tsai Mike Wang Asheea Smith Cathy Rojas Juan Pablo Gammy Alvarez Daniel Shaw Heather Benno Ellie Ommani Allan Janczewski Henry Cames Ben Becker Karina Garcia Elizabeth Birriel Mike Chrisemer Javier Guerrero Sophia Weissmann Karla Reyes Monica Cruz Rachel Hu Brendan O'Brien Tayfun Gol Nastaran Mohit elizabeth estrada Estrada Shawn Garcia Dariella Rodriguez Cassie Regan Sapphira Lurie Graciela Pichardo Sofia Dadap Yari Osorio Madeline A. Rosario

Who's RSVPing

Louie Sawi
Ben Norton
Stewart Stout
Alex Hu
Ali Glembocki
Vincent Tsai
Mike Wang
Asheea Smith
Cathy Rojas
Juan Pablo
Gammy Alvarez
Daniel Shaw
Heather Benno
Ellie Ommani
Allan Janczewski
Henry Cames
Ben Becker
Karina Garcia
Elizabeth Birriel
Mike Chrisemer
Javier Guerrero
Sophia Weissmann
Karla Reyes
Monica Cruz
Rachel Hu
Brendan O'Brien
Tayfun Gol
Nastaran Mohit
elizabeth estrada Estrada
Shawn Garcia

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