Seattle: Climate Change & Socialism

April 23, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8pm

Climate change is real, and an ever increasing threat to the survivability of the human race.

Come hear activists with the Party for Socialism and Liberation present compelling evidence for ongoing disaster of climate change and a poisoned environment.

We will discuss why Capitalism can never make the changes necessary to save the environment and create a sustainable future. The market forces of capitalism are the root for the destruction of our planet. The need to show a profit with this quarter’s earnings statement and stay in business is only thing that any business can give any mind to under Capitalism.

Only socialism can provide a planned economy that will both provide for the needs of the majority of humans and build a sustainable future.

The time to act is now! Join us in the fight to overrun capitalism and save the planet and the human race.

Drinks and snacks provided. Donations accepted.

Contact us at: [email protected] 

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